Zagraniczne studia i stypendia naukowe romanistów Uniwersytetu Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie


Studies Abroad and Scholarships of Roman Law Scholars of Jan Kazimierz University in Lwów.

In this article I discuss academic travels abroad of Roman Law scholars at Jan Kazimierz University in Lwów. Lwów’s scholars gained knowledge and enriched their skills working with prominent German, Austrian, French and Italian outstanding figures in legal studies. The scholarships awarded by Emperor Franz Joseph I Foundation (Fundacja im. Cesarza Franciszka Józefa I), the National Culture Fund and Emil Parnas Foundation (Fundacja im. Emila Parnasa) helped them in further education abroad. Two professors at Jan Kazimierz University Leon Piniński and Marceli Chlamtacz  studied abroad in the second half of the 19th century. Leon Piniński went to universities in Leipzig, Berlin and Vienna where he deepened his knowledge working, among others, with Heinrich Dernburg and Bernhard Windscheid. Marceli Chlamtacz in turn traveled to Vienna and Berlin where he collaborated with professors Franz Hofmann, Adolf Exler or Alfred Pernice. Professor Wacław Osuchowski studied in the early 1930s first in Rome subsequently in Munich and Paris. The forth of depicted scholars Dr. Edward Gintowt-Dziewałtowski was in the outlined period an research assistant  in the Department of Roman Law.  He spent in the 1930s four years in Vienna, Innsbruck, Rome and Palermo. Zagraniczne studia i stypendia naukowe romanistów Uniwersytetu Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie